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Customer Support > Rotas (Schedules) > Question - Can I change the details in Rota email reminders?

Can I change the Rota email reminder text?

You can edit the default rota reminder text under Settings > Emails > Other > Rota Reminder Email. This will change the default text for rota reminders in all groups. Make sure you leave the merge fields in place to ensure the information that the system generates is still added.

The default text is as follows:

Dear {recipient.first_name},

This is a reminder that you have upcoming duties on {}.

Event: {event.title}
{} {} at {event.time}{rota.rota_group_title}
Duty: {rota.duty} {rota.comments}
Organiser: {rota.contact_first_name} {rota.contact_last_name} ({rota.contact_email_addr})If you are unable to attend this event please contact the rota organiser as soon as possible. Do not reply to this email.

You can override this in each group if you want different information to be emailed for one specific rota.

To override an individual rota reminder

  1. Select the rota you wish to edit.
  2. Click on the properties tab
  3. Select the 'Edit the rotaname rota reminder email' task
  4. Change the text as required but remember to leave the merge fields in place if you want the system to fill in the details for you.
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.